Science (I Ti 6:20) Though the Bible is not a science book, it is scientifically sound and not ridiculous, as other books written during the same time period (pre-scientific days). Astronomy: Ge 1:1, Heaven created 1st. Taught to 1875 earth center of universe. Ge 1:16, Sun bigger than moon, believed until 1600 that moon bigger. Ge 15:5, Man has tried to number stars, but keeps finding more Job 22:2, stars far away Job 25:5, Moon reflected light, believed had its own until 1920. Job 26:7, Earth suspended in space. Only recently known and......
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The Bible is Inspired by (from) God – the writings are from God and the writers were inspired by God: II Ti 3:16; II Pe 1:19-21 – It claims to be from God without defending itself – “saith the LORD” 854 times in OT – total claims to be the words of God almost 4000 in OT – It’s miraculous unity and design: 40 authors (kings, priests, fishermen, shepherds, Pharisee, tax collector, soldier, scribe, butler) over 1600 years from different parts of world, written in 3 languages – It’s unique teachings about God......
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In this pamphlet the Word of God will be declaring for itself the truth that “Jesus Christ is God.” This great Biblical truth will be presented in outline form. This topic can never be exhausted since Jesus Christ is “the Word of God” (John 1:1). Men may deny the Deity of Jesus Christ, but they cannot deny that the Bible plainly reveals Him as Jehovah God. The Scripture quotations will be from the King James Bible. I. Jesus Christ is called “God.” Although Jesus Christ did not feel the need to repeatedly refer......
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His Calling Ac 20:28, the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers His Titles Pastor, Ep 4:11-12, poimen {poy-mane’} – translated “shepherd” in all other NT passages, i.e. Heb 13:20; I Pet 2:25) Bishop, Php 1:1 (officers of the church); I Pe 2:25, episkopos {ep-is’-kop-os} – I Ti 3:1, “office” of a bishop – translated “overseer” in Acts 20:28 – is also a shepherd, I Pe 2:25 Elder, I Ti 5:17, presbuteros {pres-boo’-ter-os} – same as bishop/overseer, see Ac 20:17-28; Ti 1:5-7 – same as shepherd/pastor, see Ac 20:17, 28 – I Pe 5:1-4,......
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Evangelism & Missions – Mt 28, teach all nations, baptizing them – Mk 16, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature – Lk 24, repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations – Ac 1, ye shall be witnesses unto me – II Co 5, we are ambassadors for Christ Discipleship – Mt 28, Teaching them to observe all things – Ac 2, they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine – Ac 20, upon the first day of the week, when......
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Why study this: Rom 16:17-18; I Cor 5:6,9; Eph 5:11; II Tim 3:5 You must decide that the Bible is your authority, and not what “feels good” or what you “enjoy”, otherwise just like the charismatics who put experience above the Bible. I. The Power of Music A. Music is spiritual, I Sam 16:23; II Ki 3:15; Gal 5:17 – a believer will desire “spiritual” music as he is led by the Holy Spirit, associated with the filling of the Spirit, Eph 5:18-19 – music can also be associated with the worship of......
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1. Ge 3:15, seed of the woman 2. Gen 12, call of Abraham, all nations eventually blessed through him 3. Gen 14, Melchizedek 4. Ge 22, Abraham offers Isaac, a sacrifice promised 5. Ge 49:10, Shiloh will come, a descendent of Judah 6. Ex 12, the passover Lamb and His blood 7. Ex 17:6, the smitten Rock 8. Nu 21, the fiery serpent on a pole 9. Nu 24, the star out of Jacob (descendent of Jacob), the Sceptre out of Israel 10. Deu 18, a Prophet like unto Moses would come 11.......
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Rom 12:3-8; I Cor 12:1-30; 14:12; Ep 4:7-8, 11-12; I Pe 4:9-11 The Distribution of the Gifts: Each Has Different Gifts 1Co 12:4, Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. I Co 12:14 For the body is not one member, but many. Ro 12:6, Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us Every Christian Has Some Gifts I Co 12:7, 11, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. God Decides Who Gets What Gifts I Co 12:11, as......
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Biblical Facts About Finances – these should govern all we do relative to finances. 1) God owns everything (including our finances), Deu 8:18; I Chr 29:14; Rom 11:36 2) Money is God’s training ground, Luke 16:11 (be careful of debt, overspending, too much interest paid to the world, covetousness, speculation, etc.) 3) Having money is not sin, loving money is sin, I Tim 6:10, 17 Biblical Principles About Finances 1) Decisions should “not” be based on finances (that’s the world’s way), they should be based on Biblical principles and God’s will. (riches do......
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Following are seven reasons from the Bible why a born-again Christian cannot lose his salvation. Over 200 Scriptures are referenced, which are given at the end for ease of readability. Anyone reading this who doubts the truth of this doctrine, sometimes called “once saved, always saved”, is encouraged to look up and read the Scriptures for himself. 1. Eternal LifeĀ – The Bible says that ETERNAL life is a present possession [1]. If we could lose that life from God [2] then we never had ETERNAL life. Our life is Christ’s life when we......
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