The Wonderful Word of God

The Bible is Inspired by (from) God
– the writings are from God and the writers were inspired by God: II Ti 3:16; II Pe 1:19-21
– It claims to be from God without defending itself
– “saith the LORD” 854 times in OT
– total claims to be the words of God almost 4000 in OT
– It’s miraculous unity and design: 40 authors (kings, priests, fishermen, shepherds, Pharisee, tax collector, soldier, scribe, butler) over 1600 years from different parts of world, written in 3 languages
– It’s unique teachings about God (Is 6:1-3), man (Rom 3:10-12), the world (I Jn 2:15-17), sin (Ez 18:4; Rom 6:23), eternal punishment (Lu 16; Rev 20), salvation (Rom 3:20, 24; Tit 3:5) are all different from all other writings
– “Man could not have written it if he wanted to, and would not have written it if he could have, since it condemns him.”
– it shows the sinfulness/weaknesses in man
– most other literature makes man look better than he is
The Bible is Complete, Ps 19:7; Pr 30:5-6; Mt 5:18; Re 22:18-19
The Bible Is Preserved, Ps 12:6-7; Is 40:8; Mt 24:35; I Pe 1:25
The Bible Is Powerful:
Ten symbols used to illustrate the power of the Word of God:
Sword (pointed Word that convicts the hearer and pierces), He 4:12, Ep 6:17
Hammer (breaks down resistance), Je 23:29
Seed (regenerates and brings life), Lu 8:11; I Pe 1:23
Mirror (reflects what we are, our nature), Jas 1:23-25
Fire (consuming and motivating), Je 23:29; 20:9
Lamp and Light (light the way), Ps 119:105
Milk (nourishes), I Pe 2:2; He 5:12-14
Meat, He 5:12-14
Silver (pure), purified, Ps 12:6-7
Rain and Snow (waters the seed and accomplishes God’s purpose), Is 55:10-11
The Bible is Authoritative (the final authority), Mt 4:4; Lu 16:29-31; Jn 12:48; 17:17
– proclaim THE WORD (not private interpretations, II Pe 1:20) with confidence
– Tit 2:15, These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority.
– 2Ti 4:2, Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
Names of the Bible from the Bible
Book, The, Ps 40:7; Re 22:19
Book of the Law, De 31:26; Ne 8:3; Ga 3:10 (19 times)
Book of the LORD, Is 34:16 (1 times)
Commandments, Ps 119:6,86
Judgments, Ps 119:13
the Law, Jn 12:34
The Law of the LORD, Ps 1:2; Is 30:9 (18 times)
the Law and the Prophets, Mt 5:17; Lu 16:16
Law of liberty, Jas 1:25 (2 times)
Old Testament, II Co 3:14
Oracles, De 31:26; Ro 3:2; I Pe 4:11 (4 times)
Ordinances, Ps 119:91
Precepts, Ps 119:15; Da 9:5
Statutes, Ps 19:8
Scriptures, Ro 16:26; II Ti 3:16; I Co 15:3; Lu 24:32; Jn 5:39 (over 50 times)
Scripture of Truth, Da 10:21 (1 time)
Holy Scriptures, Ro 1:2; II Ti 3:15 (2 times)
Sword of the Spirit, Eph 6:17 Heb 4:12
Testimonies, Ps 93:5; 119:46 (36 times)
Truth, Ga 3:1; Jn 17:17
Word, I Pe 2:2
Word of Christ, Co 3:16
Word of God, Lu 11:28; Heb 6:5 (49 times)
Word of the Lord, I Pe 1:25 (16 times)
Word of the LORD, Is 28:13 (over 200 times)
Word of Life, Php 2:16
Word of Truth, II Ti 2:15; Jas 1:18; Ep 1:12 (4 times)
The Bible Has Many Purposes:
To give Knowledge of the One who is life, Jn 20:31
To give Knowledge of Eternal Life, II Ti 3:15; 1 Jo 5:13 (Saves, Jas 1:21; I Pe 1:23)
To give Hope to Men, Ro 15:4
To Give Faith, Ro 10:17
To guide and give understanding, Ps 119:105, 130
To protect, Ep 6:17; Ps 119:92
To Comfort, I Th 4:18
To Perfect and Grow, Ps 1:1-3; II Ti 3:17; I Pe 2:2; Ps 37:31
To Give Wisdom and Prosperity, Ps 119:98-100; Josh 1:8; Jer 8:9; I Pe 3:15
To Keep from Sin and Cleanse, Ps 119:9-11; Jn 15:3; 17:17
What We Are To Do With the Word Of God:
Ps 119 Action Verbs:
1) fear/respect
2) believe
3) quickened by
4) love/delight in/esteem/lift up hands unto/praise God for/stand in awe of/thank God for/treasure
5) desire/long for/seek/choose/incline heart to/turn my feet unto
6) learn/behold wondrous things out of/know/taste/understand
7) meditate it/comforted in/depend on/hope in/rejoice in/trust
8) guided by/consider/counseled by/discern through/go in the path of/observe/run in/walk in
9) hide/remember
10) keep/decline not from/depart not from/do (done)/err not from/forsake it not/heed/perform/stick to/wander not from
11) declare/sing/speak of/talk of
1) afraid of it, 120
– Ex 9:20; Pr 13:13
6) behold wondrous things out of it, 18 (read) – we should pray this each time we approach it
2) believe it, 66, 75, 80, 86, 89, 151, 152, 160
– Lu 16:31; Ro 3:4; 10:17; I Co 1:18; Ep 1:13; I Th 2:13
5) choose it, 30, 173
– Deu 30:19; Josh 24:15; Pr 1:29
7) comforted in it, 50, 52, 76
– Ro 15:4, I Th 4:18
8) consider it, 95
8) counseled by it, 24
– II Ti 3:15-17
11) declare it, 13 (preach)
– Mk 16:15; Ac 1:8; II Ti 4:2
10) decline not from it, 51, 157
4) delight in it, 16, 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 92, 143, 174
– Ps 1:2; Ro 7:22
10) depart not from it, 102
7) depend on it, 175
5) desire it, 82, 123
– Ps 19:10; I Pe 2:2
8) discern through it, 104, 115, 128
– He 5:12-14, must know to discern between good and evil
10) do (done) it, 166
– Josh 1:8; Jas 1:22
10) err not from it, 21, 110
4) esteem it, 128
– Job 23:12
10) forsake it not, 53, 87
– Pr 28:9; II Ti 4:3-4
8) go in the path of it, 35
– He 12:13, straight paths for your feet
8) guided by it, 105, 133
– implies we’re going somewhere, Pr 6:23; II Pe 1:19
10) heed it, 9 (obey)
– Pr 28:9, if you don’t heed it, your prayers will not be answered
9) hide it, 11
– Deu 6:6; 11:18; Ps 37:30-31; 40:8; Co 3:16
– Eph 6:17, our only weapon against Satan, that is why so many Christians defeated
– ie. when Jesus tempted, he did not have a Bible handy (Mt 4)
7) hope in it, 43, 49, 74, 81, 114, 147
– He 6:17-19; I Pe 1:21
5) incline heart to it, 36, 112
10) keep/kept it, 2, 4, 5, 8, 17, 22, 33, 34, 44, 55, 56, 57, 60, 63, 67, 69, 88, 100, 101, 106, 115, 129, 134, 136, 145, 146, 158, 167, 168
– Jn 14:23, if we love Christ, we will keep His words
– “beware of reasoning about God’s Word – obey it”, Oswald Chambers
6) know it, 79, 125 (David’s test of friendship)
– Hos 4:6; Pr 19:10; II Co 4:6
6) learn it, 7, 12, 26, 33, 64, 68, 71, 73, 108, 124, 135 (teach me) – (study)
– II Ti 2:15, we’re commanded to study it
– 75 % of the words in the Bible (excluding names) are one syllable
ie. I Jn 5:12; Jn 6:35; 8:12; 10:9; 14:6
– II Pe 3:18, we’re to grow in the knowledge of Christ
– Heb 5:12-14 with I Cor 3:1-2 (I Pet 2:2, the milk is how we grow – babies need it daily)
– Jn 6:31-58, pictured as manna (Ex 16), and they needed to gather it daily
4) lift up hands unto it, 48
– Ps 138:2
5) long for it, 20, 40, 131
4) love it, 47, 48, 97, 113, 119, 127, 140, 159, 163, 165, 167
7) meditate in it, 15, 23, 48, 78, 97, 99, 148 (think about it all the day – personalize it!)
– Josh 1:8; Ps 1:1-3; 19:14; I Ti 4:15
8) observe it, 34
10) perform it, 112
4) praise God for it, 7, 164, 171
– Ps 56:4, 10
3) quickened by it (salvation), 25, 37, 50, 93, 107, 149, 154, 156
– Jas 1:21; I Pe 1:23
7) rejoice in it, 14, 111, 162
– Je 15:16; Php 4:4
9) remember it (not forget), 16, 52, 61, 83, 93, 98, 109, 141, 153, 176 – (memorize it)
1) respect it, 6, 15, 117 (our authority)
– Lu 16:31; Jn 12:48
8) run in it, 32
– I Co 9:24-26; He 12:1-3
5) seek it, 45, 94, 155
11) sing it, 54
– Co 3:16
11) speak of it, 46, 172 (our conversation, ie. Deu 6:6)
4) stand in awe of it, 96, 161
10) stick to it, 31
-Mark 4:19, not allow it to be “choked”
11) talk of it, 27
– Deu 6:6-7, is the Word a part of your daily life
6) taste it, 103
– does it taste sweet (if not, it is not because of the Word, but our heart)?
– Job 23:12, feed upon it daily; Mt 4:4
4) thank God for it, 62
– Ps 56:4, 10
4) treasure it, 72 (heart attitude)
– Pr 3:14-15; 16:16
7) trust it, 42 (believe His promises)
– Eph 6:17, our only weapon against Satan, that is why so many Christians defeated
– I Th 2:13
5) turn my feet unto it, 59
6) understand it, 27, 104, 130, 169
– Co 1:9
8) walk in it, 1, 3
– Is 30:21; Ga 5:16, 25
10) wander not from it (it guide us), 10