The Power of Gratitude

If you are hurting or suffering in some other way, you are not the first person to go through this! In the Bible, we have record of many of God’s people who have suffered. David, a man after God’s own heart, suffered as well. In Psalms 77 verses 7 through 9 we read of his frustration with his trials. After expressing his frustration, he realized that the truth of his position with the Lord was not changed by his current-day circumstances. Circumstances can often make us “feel” like God doesn’t care any more, but nothing could be further from the truth. God’s Word clearly teaches us that trials are part of God’s plan for our lives and that they are good for us – used by the Lord to refine us and cause us to reflect on what’s really important.
In the same Psalm (77), David stopped and remembered the goodness of the Lord in verses 10 and 11. He began to meditate on God’s power and talk of His works in verses 11 and 12. We see a complete change in David’s attitude. His circumstances did not change, but his perspective changed. The difference was “gratitude”.
Gratitude to the Lord changes our perspective on trials (see Romans 8:28). It lightens our load and protects us from self-pity. It’s been said that “its not what’s in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what’s in your heart.”
Gratitude keeps our focus on the Lord, where it should be, revealing that we really do believe in Him. It glorifies the Lord, keeps us looking for God’s hand, and even gives us a desire to tell others of His goodness. I encourage you to read this Psalm in the Bible for yourself and to learn the power of gratitude to change your attitude and your perspective on trials. Psalm 92 says, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name.”